Faro trabajo cuadrado multivoltaje carretilla elevadora

Faro trabajo cuadrado multivoltaje de 12/80v para carretilla elevadora eléctrica, retráltil. Se sujeta mediante un tornillo para poder colocarlo con facilidad.

IVA no incluido


  • Código de referencia: 20200217
  • Precio de coste:
  • Unidades por pack:
Shape of the worklight square
Total length (L1) (mm) 107
Total height (H1) (mm) 100
Total width (W1) (mm) 94
Width of the housing surrounding the lens (W2) (mm) 94
Position of attachment pedestal
Thread size of the external thread M10
Minimum voltage (U1) (V) 12
Maximum voltage (U2) (V) 80
Number of connectors 1
Bracket present NO
Light guard present NO
Handle present NO
Switch present NO
Right side/left side/both sides both sides
Bulbs included NO
Replaceable lens NO
Material of the lens glass
Type of technology halogen
IP-value (water- and dustproof) 67